Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Family Time: The Good News Band

Read the following short paragraphs. After you read them, there are a couple discussion questions and a short activity to do as a family. This week, you parents just might learn something new about your kids . . . and you kids just might learn something new about your parents!


Mark 16:15 -- And then He told them, 'Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.'"

READ: This week's key concept was "Jesus is extraordinary new worth telling others about!"

Joseph and Mary traveled to Nazareth to be counted in the census. While they were there, Mary gave birth to Jesus and laid him in a manger in the stable, since there was no room in the inn. Angels appeared to shepherds in the fields nearby and told them about the birth of Jesus. The shepherds ran to see Jesus and share teh extraordianry news of his birth with everyone they met.

Everyone got a candy cane to remind us:

* An upside-down candy-cane looks like a "J", reminding us of Jesus.
* A right side up candy-cane looks like a shepherd's staff, reminding us of the first people who were told the good news about Jesus' birth.
* An open candy cane is sweet, reminding us that Jesus' birth is SWEET NEWS!!!

1. Where did the angel say the shepherds would find baby Jesus?
2. What did the shepherds do after they saw baby Jesus?
3. How does a candy cane remind us of the Good News of Jesus?
4. Share with a family member what you found extraordinary about this week's lesson?

1. At the dinner table this week, play a game of "telephone". Whisper some extraordinary nws from your day to the person sitting next to you.

2. Have that person whisper the news to the person sitting next to them. Repeat until it gets back to you.

3. Speak the current version of your news outloud to see how well your family did at "telephoning" the extraordinary news.

4. Repeat with other family members until everyone has had a chance to share their extraordinary news.

Adapted from The Stars of Christmas, (c) 2008 Willow Creek Association & The Chapel

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